Micar Innovation
Micar Innovation is a drug discovery engine. Micar Innovation creates new companies in partnership with pioneering academic researchers and major biopharmaceutical companies, which provide funding and a path to liquidity through pre-negotiated acquisitions.
Discovering novel small molecule and the demonstration of true non-clinical proof-of-concept is a key value-creation step in the clinical development of a medicine.
Micar Innovation seeks to develop product candidates that:
Address currently unmet medical needs // Suggest a clear-cut development profile // Provide an opportunity to be first-in-class or best-in-class
Type of organization: Company
Address: 38A, Karamfil street, 1616, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359888531345
Email: dimitar@micar21.com
Web: www.micar21.com
Dimitar Dimitrov, CEO, Co-Founder
Short bio: Leader of the Business development team responsible overall business strategy, Micar Innovation Pipeline and one of the founders of Micar Innovation Ltd. Dimitar has more than 22 years’ experience in optimization of business processes, big data, data mining, AI and software development. He is a serial entrepreneur. His partners and clients are governments, academic institutes and universities in EU and USA.
Organzation: Micar Innovation